No Fap reboot

On risperdal I went months without any kind of release, or even any urge to. And I never felt like my brain was any better for it.

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i had increased psychotic symptoms trying it as well, probably just stress induced

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I like this.
This is exactly what I do to reboot my brain.
No masturbation, nothing suggestive, no porn no nothing.
It also helps that I have no erections :wink:
I hope it will work some day.
I just want to keep this thread alive.
Even if I would like to cure my schizophrenia, I would do nothing with impotence,
doesn’t prevent me from being gay, even from having children.
There are such gay families in Israel.
I am very happy with my muscles, including even my private parts.

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too much information…?



The turtle is added imagery for what @sirBoring said lol :yum: