To G-d in total celibacy. And this time, I truly mean it. My only friend and I are back to being platonic and I am truly happy again. There is only one person in the world who can make me happy and He is not human.
I did something similar but to a higher power, to myself. Just kidding. But I truly promised myself I won’t have any sexual activity solo or in two.
It’s been 4 days, no porn also. Feels good
I’m the same way. Not solo or with anyone else. Also no porn. And It does feel good. You’re right.
Im way too horny…
I cant stop wanking, its basically impossible for me and a serious addiction.
I’ve never been very horny since my illness, I’ve read somehlwhere that there two types of abstinent people. Those who get grumpy and those who get more content. Ive never been angry after periods with no activity.
I hope you’re getting more content
Oh, I’m definitely of the more content variety thank goodness. How about you?
Im the content type also. Good luck and if you feel the need I think praying should help.
Yes, I do agree.
Another day of abstinence, the fifth. It’s harder then yesterday. I’m all alone and the night will come. I hope I don’t give în. How’s your progress?
you be so funny and ■■■■
why deny yourself pleasure?
I’m becoming a monk, the monestery on the hill where there’s no electricity and where a bear killed three Monks now needs a three new members for working there. In this season I will be cutting wood.
With this occasion I want to apologize for offending. I never got the chance as youve been mostly banned.
ha, it used to be a running joke that I was the most suspended person on the site
I don’t think you were around then
not sure about Monks, bet they still get wet dreams.
I was told celibate male monks have higher rates of testicular disease. It is thought the celibacy is to be involved. Don’t know about women
Sex is good for your health though. Masturbation too. The meds have ruined my libido though…
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