New scene created yesterday

So as many of you may know I consider myself a writer, though I haven’t been fortunate enough to have something finished and turned into a publisher, but it is what I spend my time on. I was listening to some dark ambient/drone music and came up with this scene yesterday as I let music guide me. I have no idea where or if I’ll ever use it…but anyway I thought it was a nice scene I titled the Meadow…

The next time I opened my eyes I was standing in a large open meadow the grass was fresh, still filled with morning dew. But something wasn’t right about me. I could taste blood dripping into my mouth, I was standing there freezing and shivering. My clothes were tattered, but I have no memory of getting to this field of grass. I had no idea even where this field was. I lived in St. Louis my whole life. I start to feel light-headed, and I began to understand the blood was mine. I was bleeding. I couldn’t fathom this for some reason.

I lifted my hand to my face, it was dirty and I almost didn’t want to touch my own face with this hand, but I had to feel for where the blood was coming. I had to know how serious the wound was. I closed my eyes, it was the only way I could register my brain in touching my face with this dirt and blood mixed hand. I felt my chin, nothing cut there. Moved up my face, my lips weren’t cut, at least not that I could feel. My cheeks were sore, and sensitive to the touch but not cut. The eyes nothing, moving ever upward I felt it finally, a large gash on my forehead. Where did this come from?

I fell to the grass. I leaned forward wanting to smell the freshness…my whole body felt dirty. I began to shake lightly, I think my body was in shock. Why couldn’t I remember anything? I rolled over on my back and looked up at the sky, only it didn’t look normal. It was a dark metallic blue with a single bright light that could have fooled anyone into thinking it was a sun…yet it gave off no heat. That could be why I was so cold. Or it could just be the shock. What was I in shock from?

Think Ophelia, think. A loud siren filled the room, one blow. Two blows. A third blow. I started fading out of consciousness. I began to see beyond the edge of the meadow was four dark walls similar to that of the ceiling, only without the bright light shining down me.

“She’s waking up,” I heard a male’s voice said.


That’s all I have right now. I got stuck there at the end…