My med definitely smashes my brain for a while after it take

I am sure now. this evening was better than the previous ones but my ap smashes my brain for some hours after it take…It even gives me some negativity. i guess its no strange cause those meds kill the dopamine but its hard… It definitely gives me some heaviness in my brain plus weakness in my body and bad mood. But i have no choice, i need my meds otherwise i even stop eating…
Do you have a bad side effects from your ap after it take? what do you do, you take it right before sleep?
hugs to all

Have you tried Clozapine? Can you ask your doctor about it?

yes, ive tried it. it was hell. I had terrible side effects on it, it was unbearable…plus, it wasn’t helping me either.
I had an eternal constipation it, really. I even had more paranoia on it. I was on it 5 months with no help and just side effects…

This is unfortunate. Clozapine drastically lowered my white blood cell count - can’t take it either.

I find all the typical ap’s unbearable. They turn me into a zombie. The years I was on Haldol were the worst years of my life.

yes, tomasina, its a heavy drug…I was feeling thousand times worse my ‘‘waves’’ on it…
I am already without energy off meds so I dont feel a lot their smashing effect but haloperidol and clopixol gave me bounces of paranoia per episodes. It was so bad that I was afraid from the people on the tv… It wasn’t going away…
I hope this smashing effect of the Zyprexa now will go away but I am not sure…

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