What’s the longest a person has had recovery without a relapse? Does EVERYBODY have a relapse in their history with schizophrenia? Has anyone been relapse free since they first got diagnosed?
I had one relapse, but intervened while I was still lucid enough to think medication would be a good idea. So it did not quite turn into as full-blown a psychosis as it could get.
I’ve been diagnosed only a year and a four months ago… no relapse yet… hopefuly never again! Wish me luck
I was just curious because another poster asked me if there’s such a thing as someone with schizophrenia not relapsing. I always assumed that most or all schizophrenics have relapsed. I don’t know if it’s possible for anyone with schizophrenia to go relapse-free their whole lives.
OK, good luck!..
I can’t recall the figure exactly, but my psychiatrist told me that something between 1/5 and 1/3 of the people that experienced one psychotic episode, and then got it treated, could do without medication for live. Given certain criteria, that single episode could be sufficient to diagnose schizophrenia. To be sure, the doctor also told me that after a relapse, the numbers are significantly different regarding being able to do without meds. Like 0.1%. Hence I tried to come off once, and had no luck, hence I won’t try to go without again.
I know @anon80629714 has been 5 years with no relapses
I think my doctor told me there was a rule of thirds. 1/3 have one episode and never need meds again, 1/3 need meds at several points in their life, and 1/3 need meds forever. He also said the 1/3 who use meds only during episodes would probably have fewer episodes overall if they chose to stay on meds permanently.
My mom never relapsed. For 20 years. I relapsed once
I only relapsed when my Dr had me try a reduction in dosage (which didn’t work out). So I went back on the original dose and have been without a relapse since 1972.
I relapsed shortly after my first hospitalization and then hospitalized again.
5150’d/5250’d over a dozen times from age 19-25-ish. Quit playing with my medicine, took it regularly…no relapse in 8 years since 2008. I still deal with severe panic, fear, loss of motivation, social awkwardness, concentration and focus issues, and some other stuff from schizophrenic episodes, but nothing nothing like 2001-2008.
I still have that paranoia mindset, though, albeit without the accompanying voices and 100% conviction that my paranoia is right. It’s down to about 65% conviction that i’m right now and I can negate and cope with that through thinking logically and acknowledging my illness.
I only relapsed while changing medications. Been on clozaril more than ten years and no relapse
My first episode was in April 2010 so close to 6 years but thats free of psychosis not mental illness.
I relapsed and ended up in hospital many times from 19 to 27.
The past three years have been going pretty well. I’ve had some glitches and some episodes here and there… but I’ve been able to bounce back a little better and stay stable a little longer these past few years.
Not =me=. But I was never dx’d with sz per se. Other neurotic, borderline and psychotic disorders here.
I was diagnosed November of '13 & was on meds for a few months after that. Got off the meds & haven’t had any delusions since then. Really the only thing I have a constant struggle with is anxiety & a little bit of paranoia