Is sign language SCHIZOPHRENIA stigmatized?

Just curious to know.


Says split mind. That is what it means in greek I think.


nah…the word schizophrenia is in itself a stigma… split mind… ive never seen that word signed before but its pretty spot on for the word… sign language can hardly be faulted for the not so accurate title word for our mi…


Split mind is cool

No I don’t think it’s stigmatising. It’s just literal to the origin of the word.


Schizen (split)

Phren (mind)

yes that is indeed the case…

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how did you stumble upon the animated gif for schizophrenia in sign?

Are you learning sign language?

Look up the word for tampon.

Sometimes sign language is hilarious.


Cool post. But no, I think it’s stigmatised.

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I’ve always related a lot to the split mind thing. It’s not as severe a split as DID, but I definitely feel like someone else when I go into the dreamy psychotic states. And this disorder shredded my personality. My likes and passions change so drastically throughout the day. It really messes up my ability to be dedicated.

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I found it when I was looking for animated GIFs tagged with “schizophrenia”. :slight_smile:

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Schizophrenia is not a split mind at all. I think there is enough knowledge about the disease to give it a new name as well. I doubt though that sign language was intended to stimitize the word though