I think they all can read my mind

Actually the technology used for mind control has access to the voices of anyone who has ever talked on the telephone…mainly through AT&T coordinating with the intelligence agencies. they can learn things about a person by what they write on the internet, and we all know some of this is public knowledge after Ed Snowden blew the whistle last year about NSA surveillance. however, he didn’t expose anywhere near all of it, or what it is used for.
the computers used by these people are so immense in power that they can synthesize anyone’s voice from these records and combine the voice with knowledge learned.
When I have been exposed to the machines voices i have sometimes tricked them by asking about something only I and the other person knew…as in the case when they imitated the voice of an x girlfriend i hadnt talked to in 12 years.
But they can imitate Mel Gibson, or any actor or musician, or any person who they have a voice print of.
this is real technology that is out there and has been for some years.

And in case some dont think this stuff is real, the CIA has even paid some settlements because of mind control

Orlikow v. U.S. Cite as 682 F.S. 77 (D.D.C. 1988) Mrs. David Orlikow, et al., Plaintiffs, V. UNITED STATES of America, Defendant. Civ. A. No. 80-3163. U.S. District Court, District of Columbia. 1/19/88
One researcher known to have been funded by the CIA’s front organization, the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, was Dr. Ewen Cameron.

  • Ewen Cameron and the Allan Memorial Institute – Subproject Subproject 68 funded by CIA from March 18, 1957 to June 30, 1960
    Without conceding liability, in 1988 the CIA agreed to pay $750,000 to settle a case brought on behalf of nine plaintiffs who were subjected to federally funded mind control experiments sponsored by the CIA and conducted by prominent psychiatrist Ewen Cameron, M.D. The experiments included heavy does of LSD, electroshock and psychic driving. Beyond Nuremburg, ABA Journal March 1997, p.26.
  • What the Senate Congressional Record says of the CIA funded experiments conducted by Cameron under MKULTRA"
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