How would our meds affect people without problems?

Idk they dont told me from the hospital…m

I took 1 shot one and a half months ago. I think I just passed the half life. So another 50 days and it’s out

You mean 100 days is living in the body?

Yes from what I’ve read.

50 days half life so 100 days it’s out

Good luck buddy I hope you get better

I’m feeling dizzy and my eyes are blurred from it…

I heard that they get very, very, very bad akithesia. It is miserable for them. Much worse than it is for us. That’s what I’ve heard from normie’s who’ve taken AP’s anyway.

I wish I knew what exactly caused it. Is it too low dopamine or is it from when the med wears off and then your dopamine stuff tries to overproduce it so you get too much at once? When I looked it up it just said the cause of akathisia was dopamine imbalance.

The only med that didn’t give me akathisia at all was Risperidone. I don’t think I have a dopamine problem at all. If anything I think I just have not enough dopamine. I think all my problems are related to 5HT2A. If geodon ever goes bad for me, and fingers crossed it doesn’t, I would like to try that min-101 med, when and if it comes out to the US.

akathisia again is what?

My pdoc made fun of me for liking Topamax, she said something along the lines of oh, yeah, you like that dopamine stuff, then she mentioned they like to call Topamax, Dopamax.

Intense anxiety mixed with restlessness, feels like you can’t stand being in your own skin

Did you recently quit Luvox? When they switched me from Luvox to Zoloft I got dizzy spells. I haven’t tried going off of Zoloft so I don’t know if it will bring on the same dizziness.

No. I was on abilify

Invega 3mg: they wouldn’t feel any effect just like I don’t, in fact I wouldn’t believe this pill affected me if it wasn’t for a couple times I forgot to take it and I got all stressed and imaginative.

escitalopram 10mg: this one would make them feel sleepy and that’s it.

I think they would be sedated even more because there mind before meds is working a lot slower than ours before meds.

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