I dont get it. If you are psychotic why would you not take meds? I guess some people dont believe they are sick. But i feel like ultimately you end up in the hospital and are forced to go on meds.
I would love to quit my meds because of side effects.
The side effects can be worse than the disease sometimes, like akathisia.
I think it’s a journey itself to realize you need meds. Struggling with this illness is hard to accept anything. Especially that you are sick and need medicine for it. It all may seem so real.
Then it’s the side- effects, zombie feeling, weight gain, akathisia, TD, parkinsonism etc. The meds may feel like poison.
O I also forgot, diabetes!
When I first was prescribed APs I just threw them in the garbage. I wish I hadn’t or maybe things would have been different.
Side effects, blocking dopamine, sexual side effects, choice control, because I’m not crazy
The side effects. I aim to find a good balance.
Side effects. My AP makes me very tired and sometimes I reach a breaking point with that. But it’s my 6th AP I’ve been on, and i just dont have yet another med change in me, especially because they all make me tired. I dont sleep 18 hours a day anymore like I did on Geodon, so I pick my battles and deal with 10-12.
Side effects, especially akathisia. I always had bad akathisia on Geodon, even on very low doses. High does of APs damage my cognition and amplify my negative symptoms. They go from severe to debilitating.
Your post is factually incorrect based on science concerning duration of sz or sza.
Yeah. I guess the side effects are awful. I suffer from akaithisia and avolition myself. But its better than pointing guns at people.
People don’t acknowledge their sz.
They think they are healthy and don’t need meds
I’m healthy enough to function without APs, but it comes at the cost of ongoing positive symptoms. Strong insight, ongoing therapy, and aggressive stress management are how I’ve avoided capsizing so far. I’ve got a support network in place and I’m going back on meds if they tell me I need to.
Tbh, I don’t really understand why I can’t go off my meds. We’ve tried twice in the past and I ended up in a bad state. I’m pretty stable while on my meds and I think I function well. I’ve just never understood why I’m not able to go off meds and if it will always be like that. Trust me, I am very responsible about taking my meds and doing all the right things. And it works for me. All these meds I take to stay alive would be nice to minimize some day.
I don’t know. But something happens in the brain after a psychosis. If it’s brain damage or something leading to psychosis, I don’t know? But once the pathways are open there is no turning back for the most of us. Hopefully they will be able to cure it in a near future.
I go thru phases when I’m well and think I’m cured and don’t need the meds anymore but then when I stopped meds I got ill again so I’m sticking on my meds for now
Yeah. @shutterbug is just a beast
I think you mean beastly
It’s just that I don’t give up easily. We have a saying in AA: Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle.
So many people throw the towel in when they’re close to making it over a significant hurdle with SZ recovery and then decide because they’ve failed at that, they’ll fail at everything else. I view failures as learning opportunities. Something just blew up in my face? Cool! Now I know one thing that doesn’t work and I’ll try to come at the problem from a different direction next time. And there is a next time because I’m relentless.
Also? The second I nail a goal I set a new one. Keep that momentum going.
Relentless as in beastly