Hand Twitching Explained

@everhopeful My thumb twitching has now turned into more severe right pinky and hand twitches/movements.

I finally got a chance to address the situation to my psychiatrist and she told me that the Hand twitches is a direct cause of the Meds AP’s like risperidone and Depakote.

She reassured me that it wasn’t dangerous.


I have that too :thinking:

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I got twitches on Risperidone and immediately said ‘F THIS’ and switched to Abilify. I just couldn’t risk any permanent damage…but that’s just me.

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When I had thumb twitches my psychiatrist said I should see my family doctor and it was nothing to do with my AP.

I didn’t see my family doctor, but I took vitamin D for a while which then made it go away.

So my psychiatrist might have been right.

But I’m on a different AP.


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I also got hand twitching on Abilify. Mouth twitching too. Scared the heck out of me I thought it was TD or something at first.

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I can become destabilized very quickly.
I can’t afford to switch AP’s right now.

Glad that things worked out for you @Patrick

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I have a problem where my pointer finger (the first finger) on my left hand is always outstretched. And my hand sort of makes a gun shape. It really bothers me.

My psychiatrist picked up on it and asked me why I do it. I would have thought he would have the answer for that. He asked me if I think something bad will happen if I don’t hold my hand like that. I don’t.

I’m trying to stop it. When I notice it, I clench my fist and hold the finger down with my thumb or my middle finger by crossing it over.


I am getting these twitches in my middle fingers. Also in my right small toe. It bothers me a lot. I was wondering who else is on high doses of an AP which give you this side effect and how do you deal with the twitching. I am on 25mg of Abilfy.

@Wave, how is it going with your twitching atm?

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I read Michael J Fox’s autobiography and his story states that his Parkinson’s started with a simple pinky twitch. Are you taking cogentin or anything similiar?

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I am not taking any meds for Parkinson disease. My previous psychiatrist wanted to put me on one but I did not want to take it.

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Hi @Fellowman
My hand twitching has stopped for a while now, but last night my bottom right lip was twitching a bit.
I guess it’s to be expected with risperidone and other APs.

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@Fellowman One of the side effects of APs is Parkinsons. You should definitely consider going on a med that prevents it.


Yes, they can be a side effect of APs. I have essential tremors and shake pretty badly without the APs, and my pdoc is always careful to monitor how new APs affect my tremors. They can definitely get you. I don’t know how bad they can be without essential tremor. My tremors are bad enough to be embarrassing. I worry that people think that I am having withdrawals or something. They notice; I know they do, because I’ve gotten questions about whether or not I’m nervous. It sucks. I hope yours aren’t that bad.


That scares me for some reason but I’m a hypochondriac

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