Getting too intense... It's guilt I bet

Thank you for this…

when I saw the clouds in the sky and read that it’s going to rain tomorrow… that was the snap for me. But my sis does love rain and was saying that in the cooler temps, the ice cream won’t melt.
She is an optimist to the end.

I do have a confession… it’s not a pretty one… I most likely won’t feel better until I make it right… I’ve been a wall.

I’ve told my youngest brother that the best way to get a handle on his bipolar illness is to avoid triggers. (so far so good)

Then I told him that because he’s focused his anger at our sis these past 20 months, maybe there is something about her that triggers him… (Ok, still so far so good)

so I’ve been trying to convince him that to avoid all discomfort… he should never attempt to speak to her or see her again as long as he lives. That the mere presence of her would most likely destroy all progress he’s made and it would just be better for him to cut his losses and pretend he doesn’t have a sister any more for ever and ever.

I don’t think he’s going to listen to me on that one. He seemed a bit upset when I tried to convince him of this… I have to make amends now I bet.

I was able to talk him out of going to her graduation. They didn’t cross paths at the wedding. I was trying to keep him from going to her birthday. I guess I should set this right and let him make the choice on his own…