Geodon crapped out on me

And now I am back to being a madman who thinks he is a dead man. Im seeing the doctors this week. I was told over the phone to cut my daily xanax in half and take twice as much at night to go to sleep. Gonna do that tonight, I took half a tablet this morning and havent killed anyone or myself so that’s good.

But I am ok. I am a human being, I have needs, I’m not done, not till I’ve finished peeing!

right now I am peeing on an English paper and a medical ethics paper.

My last name is pronounced “pee-on”. I am marking my territory.

please excuse my ignoble urination.

Hope you figure it out man, sorry to hear that

They say your brain just develops new receptors when it feels the old ones aren’t activated. A higher dose for you. Good luck man.

Hope you feel better Mortimer - its just a bit of a setback - you will probably need a minor adjustment.
Hang in there buddy

I think the morning xanax was making me stupid. I just wrote a paper like bam and dont feel tired. I feel sharper. Im actually excited for a whopping authorized 2mg for bedtime. That should knock me out. Im gonna hope that does the trick. It’s the insomnia that is the real problem. I keep going to sleep a bit past 4am. No bueno!

Deadpool approves of my day so far

And yeah I probably just need to switch the xanax to a little in the day and a lot at bedtime. I might not even need more Geodon since I am functioning fine. I heard Geodon at the max dose is dangerous…like seriously not healthy for the heart. I already am knocking decades off my life with the amount of crap I am on, the psychiatrist doesnt want me on more Geodon. It’s keeping me from being batshit during the day but at night my brain just wont stop screwing with me. Like right now I feel fine, but at 3am for the past several nights I have been screaming and talking to myself and the camera in my room. That last part was not OK.

Hey mortimer, agshank here. Pick yourself up and dust off yourself. We are actually those that are blessed. We are built stronger cuz of the illness not weaker. I’m stronger today cuz I live through hell and keep pushing and fighting. Sanity is boring. This should be motivation for you not a setback. I have many demons but I am better for it. I can withstand anything and my imagination is endless. Nothing stops me. I don’t quit. I don’t give in. You don’t quit. You don’t give in.


indeed, what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger.

I just peed in my backyard on the tree. I own this junt.

Most people in our shoes would pussy out. Some do, a bit over an eighth of us commit suicide.

Deadpool approves of what I am doing. I just printed out seven fine pages of papers for class. ■■■■ is getting put into submission.

Deadpool is probably masturbating because he is so happy with what I did today. My custom made Deadpool suit has been shipped and should be here very soon.

I need to frequently titrate the doses of the medications I’m taking.


I wish I was you. You are a schizophrenia senpai.