Does the world need another great Spiritual Leader?

Duh this is NOT a religious thread.

Atleast not a Hindu/Christian/Muslim/Buddhist thread.

thank you.

Duh, indeed. Threadlock in 3ā€¦2ā€¦1

Ya go on locking everything. Just gave an opinion.

If that is TOO MUCH , go delete and lock it.

Itā€™s not up to me to lock it, Iā€™m just a user. Iā€™m just pointing out the site guidelines/rules so you donā€™t get banned again.

If you want answers, wait for the singularity. :smile:

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answers for?. Singularity meaning?

@Minnii thinks mistreatment of humans and animals is equal

while OP thinks that mistreating humans is worse

There is something of disagreement in moral

Hence why we shouldnā€™t have spiritual leaders, because man/woman cannot agree on such matters.

I reckon a spiritual leader would have to be very charismatic/convincing. Although some people might not like certain persons charisma because they are sayā€¦jealous! Orā€¦just in disagreement.

The world will never be perfect. Thereā€™s no magic pill we can take to agree on everything.

We need to just accept

say the serenity prayer

God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Something I need to work on, but Iā€™m workin on it :wink: ya know.


Cannot agree more !. Of course someone would need to have a Charisma - the way he looks, he talks, he moves, ------- every goddamn thing he doesā€¦Else why would anyone care to listen to him :).

Ya I had a disagreement with @Minnii simply because most of Humanity are mistreating other Humans most of the time and yeah animals too need to be cared but firstly Humans need to be treated better as a priority.

It is WISE to temporarily ignore the things we cannot change but UNWISE to not know about them.

I dont know someone said ----- we use only 10% of our brains (especially the left one).

i will lead to the promised land


count me in that endeavor

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Haha, did you just put Osho next to Buddha ?

not trying to be rude butā€¦

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I believe he was greater than Buddha.

At-least more Modern and suitable for our times.

I have studied yoga and meditation to the point of spiritual experience
It is in no way advisable for a schizophrenic to do thisā€¦ I have been told by real experts like a monk and an ashtanga teacher that it is unsafe for schizophrenics ā€¦ And the experiences I had were extreme enlightenment although not complete, because I was clearly not ready
I wish it was safe but Iā€™m not reckless
There is a lot on line about how westerners have been given the teachings of blabla blah and itā€™s all a sell out
There are already thousands of spiritual leaders, just challenged by other beliefs each time

If everyone was any of the religions there would be arguments how to follow them


Thanks for this thread. It has helped treat my delusions actually. Especially @CloudDogā€™s recent post.

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I think we need Ninjas. Yes. More Ninjas :blush:


Now itā€™s a locked thread. Great topic to discuss elsewhere.

Youā€™re welcome.

(Wearing moderator hat)