Do you think medication is the answer to sz

Is this the answer…

It worked for me…

The sad part is… it takes a lot of trial and error… I did get tired of feeling like a lab rat in a way. But after I was stabilized… I have been able to do Ok on lower doses.

That being said… I don’t think it’s the ONLY answer. Once someone has stabilized… then therapy will help… some people on here are dong well with supplements…

Some people on here have used hypnotherapy and other methods.

But I would definitely used the meds as a starting point to get stable.


Sz is a puzzle. Medication is one of the pieces. So is therapy. So is CBT. So is fitness. So is diet. (So is spirituality for some of us, but not all of us.) Not everyone has all of the pieces they need and not everyone gets them in the right place fast enough for their own needs.

I am sure there are pieces to the puzzle we’ve yet to discover.

I think finding the right med is like finding a corner piece to your puzzle. Lets you get the rest of the pieces in place that much faster.

Trick is to find what pieces work best for you to solve your own puzzle well enough to function from day to day. I don’t think any of us will ever find the perfect place, but we can find one that is good enough.



That is a great way to put that. I’ll keep that analogy in mind. Thank you

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For most yes. the evidence shows Schiz does nof stop , although symptoms may reduce. So sittn on your hands , is putting off the inevitable , also hospitala are awash with people that don’t take meds as prescribed or indeed at all. Where the unmedicated are not in hospital , the vast vast majority are living life’s where they function poorly.I’ve being on forums along time , and the trajectory is clear , psychotic symptoms for most are here to stay , however if they are blunted by meds , and integrated and normalised through cognitive pathways , then a person has a good shot at life.

I can tell you I can not recall hardly a case where symptoms just mysteriously stop.


Medication is far from perfect, but its the best option that we have right now


I couldn’t make it without the med’s, but because of the side effects I have to say that they are a temporary solution. Hopefully they will come up with better remedies. They say the next century is going to be “the century of the brain”, where they will get all the brain’s electro-chemical circuitry mapped out. Maybe that will lead to better solutions.

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I am all for taking medications…I think a lot of people on here who aren’t happy with their illness is because they haven’t found the right meds yet.


I think the medications are as helpful and useful as what we maintain as are our own core belief structures. I personally lean on my faith in a Higher Power (as a lot of others have found to do as well) that I have the choice to believe in or not. We all have the free will to even believe what we will. That seems to be the main plan in life anyway. Hey, I’m 57 years old and just starting too figure this out. I think I’m going to need forever to figure the rest of it out.

We should learn to see the same Higher Power in everyone and not just ourselves. Still working on it. Been by myself to much of the time to learn what I only can by being around others of like mind. In the end, I’m not so special after all, and that’s a good thing for me to learn. So, thanks for asking.

I definitely think it is the answer. My pdoc recently put me on an increased dose of Seroquel and my girlfriend says it’s like I’ve taken a chill pill. I’m much easier to get along with now, and we never fight anymore. Even I have noticed it. She doesn’t seem angry with me all the time anymore. Everything I said used to tick her off. Not anymore. I really don’t know if it’s her or me that has changed. We get along great now. I know that she’s not depressed anymore.


I don’t think there is a definitive ‘answer’ to sz. It’s a puzzle like @shutterbug said.

But if I had to give one ‘answer’ to sz, I’d say it’s insight.

All the other therapies including medication work much better if you have insight.


I don’t know for sure. I guess I need some medication; but the wrong medication for your unique self and needs can be as dangerous for you as no medication. It is very tricky and needs the cooperation of pdoc, therapist, and patient. Some type of “talking therapy” and other rehabilative therapies and “stuff.” may also be helpful. All must be tailored to the individual. We each are unique; even in illness. There is no cookie cutter approach; even though some doctors in any medical r psychiatric field would like you to think so. Listen to your doctor; but, trust your intuition always.

I saw this word on a program description on my cable tv; “proactive.” You need to be “proactive” in all your interactions with medical professionals; whether pdocs or the general kind. I just have learned this in the past two years after accepting blindly what they said whether it was in my best interest or not. If they don’t listen to you; please find someone else or otherwise you could end up in someplace you would rather not be!


One more thing; just because of who they are doesn’t necessarily make them knowledgeable about who you are and what you have experienced or will experience!

Medication is the best answer as of today.


Medication is the only real proven anti psychotic
So yes


In the dark ages of the twenty-first century, medication for sz may be all we have to feel better.

Im thoroughly medicated now and feel a lot better now than before.

I think that to get the ultimate positive effect one needs to integrate all aspects of a healthy life with the correct meds.

It’s all symbiotic.

That is so very true.