Clothing comforts me

I’ve gone through stages where I was frustrated by clothing - on me and others. But today, I find my sweatshirt and cords comforting. Maybe it’s the cold weather.


There are times I’m thankful for Saturday clothes.


Most of the time I am indifferent to clothes. I’m careless about my appearance. Things are pretty casual where I live. Sometimes I start to care about clothes. People tell me I clean up well.

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i need new under crackers lol


I have nice clothes. I have tons of shirts. Short-sleeved t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, short sleeve button down, long sleeve button down. Fancy dress shirts, a couple nice pairs of dress shoes, etc.

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sweets comfort me this is habit I am going to have to work on breaking.

I do feel really good with clothes, it could be the weather, when it’s cold I enjoy sweaters and comfy plushed robes. But I think the seasons can affect our moods. I also like clean sheets and comforters to sleep in

Nothing more miserable than me in clothes that just don’t fit, nor feel right on me.
I have always been a second hand shopper, relying on how soft the clothes feel and how well they are made, as well as price. Those clothes I bought 20-25 years ago still look better than the imported crap they sell today.

I hate clothes. They don’t make any that fit my body type. I have a long torso, but I’m skinny, and shirts only get WIDER not longer, so I can either get a medium and have it shrink in the wash and show my belly later or get a large and have it all baggy. I have the same issue with jeans, I have to get ones long enough to fit my legs but then they fall right off! And the fabrics they use to make clothes don’t even get me started.

I swear I’d be a nudist if I didn’t have to worry about the elements and it was socially acceptable :laughing: