Atheism and unusual beliefs

Why do we believe something paranormal even when we have no evidence of something unusual?
I have been an agnostic for all my life, but I feel like I should go even more “dry” and become an atheist.
I know we like to have some kind of deeper purpose, but as example, when you think there are demons talking to you, you start making theories of lots of other things as well. It’s weird really but I think that atheism can be one thing curing me. And no, it’s not easy to say goodbye to certain stuff. Lots of us think you can’t say goodbye to God, and I’ve also been one of them, but why should I keep parying something that has never been showing up?

Anyway, it’s true how we don’t approve what is told by our doctors or some other people. Mostly because the voices seem to come outside of us and they seem to be surprising for us with their content. Right?
But is this another trial to get cured that won’t happen? Maybe. But why I’m believeing into God? That’s just kind of making me to have more delusions.

If I drop out God from my beliefs, it’s propably killing most of my delusions too. This is my thing and I don’t mean to make YOU doing anything differently, but I have lost my hopes to be saved by God.

Anyway, there’s a link between “God follows my thoughts” and "Someone follows my thoughts anyway"
Propably they don’t. Propably the delusions are born from hidden places in our brain. By the way, my voices come from my left side of my head. These voices are born because my brain makes words up from all the background sounds. And now when I really think about this all, my biggest cure so far is becoming an Atheist.

The instructions to myself are: Don’t hold yourself back because of god. And don’t utopiaze up your mind with crap. Find your rhythm and flow and start living for yourself a bit more than so far! Smooth up your will and live longer than you was suppose to. Relax at least once a day for 5 minutes a day or more. Don’t try to understand your destiny or mission in this life … yet, because if there is one - you should put your mental health above them. You are here to win your sz step by step. Just trust me, we are not born because we need to be dominated by wrong concepts or rules. We need to demand food for our mind and put away our battles. We should not try to understand everything, but listen and wait. The end.