Antipsychotics and physical appearance

Thought about this while coming across this article.,d.d2k&cad=rja
I certainly think I am far less physically attractive for being massively overweight and having teeth ruined , partially by antipsychotics.
In my case attracting someone as a friend/partner is difficult due to my social interaction difficulties without the physical lack of attractiveness. However even in a non sexual way I think it affects the way you are viewed by other people with the subsequent lack of self esteem and confidence.

Sure, because of antipsychotics now its risperidone, I have been looking very tired and unhealthy - bloated, dark circles under my eyes - pale etc… This is one of the reasons why I am going as low as possible on this med, for health reasons.
I just look unhealthy overall - like I am a zombie - half dead or something - not vibrant or healthy thats all

i look bad either way even without the help of antipsychotics and antidepressants. I don’t htink that I will ever attract a boy/man. Unless they are blind lol!

I think more than just the meds it’s the combination of medication side effects and negative symptoms. The effects of the medication can be overcome with diet and exercise but when you add in the negative symptoms it becomes hard to do any of that.

There are exceptions though, it takes a lot of hard work and determination but guys like @mortimermouse show it can be done.



You’re an attractive young woman. I know it feels hard sometimes, but you just have to keep telling yourself that you’re beautiful because you are.

I worry about medications affecting my teeth. I need to go to the dentist’s to get a couple of fillings put in.

Since being on antipsychotics my physical appearance has declined. Negative symptoms are to blame. Lack of motivation to get out of bed, or eat anything that took time to prepare (so mostly junk)… I didn’t leave my house for weeks at a time aside from pdoc appointments. I have gained over a hundred pounds, which I am actively working to lose through the Nutrisystem diet (it’s working btw). I have bags under my eyes, my skin is bad…My mouth gets so dry, and I am too lazy to use Biotene. I’ve had a few fillings put in but I think I need more I never found myself to be attractive, but I look back on pictures of what I looked like before the episodes began and I think that I was such a pretty girl. I want to be like that again.

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this isnt my real photo though is the thing XD

No, I remember you posting your photo once. The girl in the pic reminds me of the girl from the movie the Ring.

on the put a pic to your name one?

I think so. It was months ago.

well, it wasnt my best… i wasnt taking care of myself then…

Well, it’s good that you’re doing better now.

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This is what my meds and lots of calories plus german volume training has done to me. It’s horrible. I feel so embarrassed when I go swimming or get intimate with someone.

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someone asked me why i workout so much,i replied “cause i wanna look good”,haha


the drugs have ruined my looks too. i used to b a pretty, petite looking girl. now i’m old and bloated, have bags under my eyes and i’m over weight…although i’ve lost 2 pounds this week so it’s not all bad i guess. my smile is ruined too. i used to have a great smile…oh for the looks of yesterday huh.

My husband was just asking me last night why do I look so big? I was surprised and said I must have put on weight from the meds! I don’t notice though, I thought I looked the same.

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I gained a lot of weight on Risperdal, then lost it on Geodon, then have gained quite a bit back now that I am back on Risperdal. But the Geodon wasn’t working for me at all. The Risperdal isn’t working all that well right now, either.

I am way overweight, about 70 pounds. Thanks Zyprexa and Risperdal. At least I can lose weight now on Prolixin. Can’t say enough good about that med. I need to go to the dentist soon and there was a 2 year period when I didn’t take care of my teeth. So I have two large cavities because of it no matter how well I take care of my teeth now. @mortimermouse man, are you built !! Are you serious you don’t like the way you look?

Anti psychotics change my facial expressions. I look meaner and more evil on anti psychotics. My stare is much darker.

I’d rather deal with the symptoms than be on the meds for life. ■■■■ that.