Results - DNA testing for Medication Matching

I got my test results back today, includes other drugs not just APs, I’m a satisfied customer. The report is 19 pages long or I’d share it. Lists my genes and recommended meds.


As someone who has had a limited response to medications this would interest me. Unfortunately though I don’t think such tests are available in the UK.

Check out the website there’s international service but not sure of the cost.

I can see no mention of an international service.

Here’s another company that does Dna testing, I must have called or did a chat with them because I recall the international offering prior to posting

They swabbed my cheek and mailed it to AlphaGenomix

I notice it has to be done via a physician.

Yes, my pdoc. Meds NOT recommended are


I could type for 19 pages! So glad to have this report, my pdoc too. All things I’ve already said in many cases.

What meds work for you? I’d like to get in this!!!

This quite interesting, so they must have large data on what meds are for whom. Hmm, maybe a doctor started this business? Sounds wonderful though.

HEEEEYY, I got this done too! They were trying to figure out why I was sent to the hospital after getting my Abilify injection. It turns out according to the DNA test that only like three antipsychotics actually work for me and Abilify wasn’t one of them.

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Quite a few like Latuda and saphris

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Yes, must be done at the doctors office

I don’t think my pdoc, who I’m only to see in an emergency, would approve that.

One day you are going to try one of these drugs that were not recommended and they are going to work amazing. This DNA stuff is in its very very early stages and they do not have a lot of information backing up their reasoning for certain drugs being better for you than other drugs.

I still owe 3800 for this test and I still haven’t been able to see the results.

@Comatose this is the DNA test. I don’t know if it is available in Europe yet.

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