Agh! Diet program!

So I’m a female who is 5’10 and weighs 310 lbs, about 120 lbs over weight. My mom decided we should do weight watchers together, we’re starting next Tuesday…
I hate diets, but I’m trying to stay positive…I’ve done so many diets with her over the years, staring when I was 10 yrs… and I just keep gaining, everytime it seems like I’m Lossing weight, something happens, change in meds or depression or even mania…

But here I am again, going to be counting points for food, going to group therapy for over weight people…
Plus… my moms so excited that I agreed to do this with her, she’s buying me a fit bit on Friday… something I’m dreading, don’t want, but if it makes her boat float, than whatever…

All part of conforming to what the world wants me to look like… ( and secretly I want to look like too)


My friend does Weight Watchers. She says she likes it, because there is a lot of support to stay on track. It’s also apparently not like other diets, because it’s more sustainable.

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Weight Watcher’s is a good program.
I think that it’s awesome that you are willing to try it out with your Mom.
I desperately need to go on a diet but since my last Hospitalization I’m having a difficult time motivating myself.
Good luck with everything @Itsme!

Awesome to hear! I just don’t want another let down… I also have a weird issue with needing candy before bed and than waking up in the middle of the night and eating more sweets… I’m hoping the group sessions will help me stop this bad habit…

But I will give it my all, hopefully I’ll see results…

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Thanks! I start off with high motivation but when I don’t see results, I stop trying so hard…And than finally quit… but I’m hoping this program won’t be like the others

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Obesity is very unhealthy
I wall 5k 4-6 days a week
Also eat plant based. Diet Mediterranean diet forever. Cook curry lentils and have with hummus and whole wheat pita. Cut out sweets
I lost 55lbs going vegetarian
Also I take Psych meds
Best of luck.

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I’m a 57 year old female, 5’8" tall and 147-150 lbs. I lost over 50 lbs. using the calorie tracking app and am keeping it off for the last two years by continuing to track my calories on the app even after losing all of the weight. I also never drink my calories. I only drink plain tap water and plain black coffee and tea with no additives. I exercise every single day without fail at something I enjoy. My forms of exercise happen to be: hatha yoga, practicing the piano, and taking the stairs at my apartment building, every day. I very, very rarely drink alcohol and I don’t smoke or do drugs. And, that’s it in a nutshell. My BMI is presently 22.9
All of this time, these last two years, and today, I’ve been on three different atypical AP’s, and an SSRI antidepressant. And they did not get in the way of my losing the weight. Not at all.

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Fitbit is great tool to remind you to move more throughout the day. If you are sedentary, I recommend changing the goal steps to something lower than 10,000 steps a day. I just increased my goal from 6,000 to 6,500 because I’ve met my goal the past two weeks.

When I did weight watchers, the diet part was tolerable, but the sense of community and support was the best part. It’s judgement free, as everyone is struggling with their weight, and the group has great suggestions.

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