Your thoughts on drugs patents?

Where do we draw the line? When is it too much?

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How can you have a bad business strategy, that makes people pay for a medication? They aren’t a non-profit organisation.

They are vested in the interests of shareholders, the fact they treating patients is only a side effect of their business making money in the first place.

The healthcare system is ■■■■■■ but that’s the fault of government regulation and debate around social policy, not business. Appeals like this to big pharma just form a popularist opinion which in practice only serves to generates sentiment and clicks. I’m not saying the sentiment is wrong at all it’s just unrealistic and asinine to get people worked up about something that will not change on a dime.


Without patents, there would be no prospects of profits. Hope for profits drive drug development.


I think the point from the video is not to get rid of patents but to draw the line somewhere reasonable. The patent was due to expire and they found a loophole to extend it and also they used government money to create the patent.

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Ok, I did not watch video. Loop holes are another matter. Some companies extend patents repeatedly; some companies have paid generic companies to postpone generics.

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