Do you believe it’s actually a brain disorder?
I overthink it a lot because there are 0 medical tests.
Or maybe it’s… emotional disorder?
Or whatever
Maybe better if I would ask: “why do you believe you have this illness?”
I still have no clear idea what hapenned for me, but it was veeery influenced by external factors- like drugs.
Also, I believe I felt soo anxious about so many things, that it could be the partial reason for my psychosis. (Like, I believe at some point my anxiety, depression turned into higher level-psychosis).
And in my case it could be a genetics.
It’s a brain disorder and it’s most likely a genetic trigger getting hit by an environmental event.
I thought I was Jesus when psychotic among other things. Came here and found out that it wasn’t too dissimilar from what others had experienced. It’s all smoke and mirrors and it’s all caused by faulty brain chemistry. It’s not mystical or magical and it’s all pretty much mundane.
Meds help 80% of our population so that kinda tells you something.
I am still not sure how psychosis affected my movements or thinking, but when I was truly psychotic it was… kind of horrible.
It affected my language for sure, because I barely could say a sentence of 5 or 6 words
And of course I had thousands of different delusions
Mine doctor feels the same,
That it has environmental trigger.
I also believed I am a God, and believed in many different stuff about universe, which probably wasn’t even shown on tv. More like in fantasy movies you could find this stuff
I read several books on SZ, and everyone says the same, that its clearly not sure what overall it is.
Maybe I try to calm myself that it’s not brain disease. Overall its easier to believe I can control it
Good news that sometimes (my doctor says so) my thoughts becomes a bit “psychotic”, but she believes I will never be in full blown psychosis again.
Yeah I’m there. I am on meds for life or till cure. I’m multiepisodic and I still get the odd breakthroughs and suffer under stress. For most of us it’s meds for life at our current level of technology. Advances are slow for our community when it comes to medicines.
It’s a failure for the mind to mature normally. A baby’s mind does not think like an adult. It’s a long time from conception to maturity and we did not have the perfect environment or parenting to develop well.
there is no schizophrenia in my family… at least what I know.
I believe it is a brain disease or chemical imbalance in the brain. Now 16 years after diagnosis I can tell my brain has been affected by this disease or the medication for it. but I’m medicated for life, or until somebody finds a complete cure for this illness.
I actually have a weird theory that it might be a sleep disorder based on how I experience psychosis. To me it kind of seems like a dream. Just the way complete nonsense makes sense when you’re in the middle of it
I am off meds since 6 months. If I will survive alright for next 3 years than I should file a court case against my first psychiatrist doctor for wrong diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, in High court.
Wow that’s great, that youre not on meds for 6 months.
And I hope you will survive!!
IDK if I can ask, but how long was your psychosis?
Looking for answers about my own case @Aku1
The origin of psychosis for me is a split mind, just as is the meaning of the name schizophrenia. The meaning of the name schizophrenia fits perfectly for me.