They’re really out there. I try to be alert to my surroundings but sometimes I get tired. Maybe it’s just kids looking to buy a joint or something. But there’s those guys when you’re sitting in a practically empty fast food parking lot and they pull up exactly next to you or one space over and act innocent. Or not. I don’t trust any of them. Probably not smart but I either glare at them or look suspiciously. In the old days I might have talked to them, maybe partied with them rarely. But now if someone is waiting until I’m not alert then I’m not going to trust them.
Okay but for real though. There has been a string of abduction/human trafficking charges in my town. It’s scary out there
I trust everyone, I’m an idiot, lucky I’m not a hot chick or I might be dead
Good memories about walking home from my job at age 19 at 1:30 AM every night, not a care in the world.
Yeah, when I was 17 I used to hitchhike home every night at 11:00 pm from my first job.
Yeah, IDK. I’m concentrating on my iPhone and look up and see cars that might have been watching me, suddenly take off. It freaks me out.
Wow man I would never be brave enough to hitch hike.
Well, nothing ever happened. In the early seventies is when we had a couple of famous serial killers who picked up hitchhikers and murdered them near here.
I just watched a special on the Co-ed killer,
You probably know him, he had a campus tag for his car because his mom worked there and he picked up young students hitch hiking.
My mom raised me with a lot of “stranger danger” rhetoric, I was a kid in the late eighties/early nineties.
I don’t even pick up girl hitchhikers anymore let alone guys.
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