I think I did. Almost lost control of my car at a 50 mph clip. ■■■■ was brazy
Nope id be cool as a cucumber
No, it would be an accident and accidents happen.
Glad you made it out okay. Hope your car is fine too.
i dont drive but my mom would flip out of control
You don’t seem responsible enough or cognitively functional enough to do something as dangerous as driving. Suggest you turn in your license and leave that to others.
Never got a driving licence. Driving sounds beyond stressful. The closest I’ve been to experiencing road rage was when a driver wouldn’t stop or even slowed down when I was crossing a clearly signposted zebra crossing with a vulnerable relative. She even honked the horn angrily as she passed us by after we’d to jump back to avoid being run over
Nah I"m okay
I drive safe just some of these drivers decision I live in california so we have some of the worst drivers in the world and it’s not LA either.
Nope. I would be cool about it. I have a dash camera. So anything that happens will be caught on camera and ill get retribution.
You truly aren’t. Do the safe thing and get off the road.
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