There’s one that is looking for participants to see about an alternative treatment. Would you do it?
At one time, yes
Now I’m stable and happy.
I did one about treatment resistance for a doctoral student once
Explained how it was total ■■■■■■■■ and I proved them wrong, but still the issues that came with it too
Yes I had a look on the Internet to see but they didn’t have anything in my city
I participated in a number of research trials. Most notably, I flew to Washington DC in 1997 to participate in a Sibling study that three of my Siblings also showed up for. It included three days of testing. The study paid for the flight, the hotel, and a stipend.
No way. I don’t like being poked and prodded. By experimental procedures. I’m so glad I’m not taking antipsychotic anymore. Though I understand its place in the universe. As well as experiments such as the one you mention.
I did participate in a bipolar study for alternative treatment.
For treatment resistant bipolar depression.
It was repetitive transcranial magnetic therapy RTMS.
It was fine and it was also free.
I can’t find it now. Bummer! I came across the study at like 5:30am this morning. I could however find a medication trial just now. Sorry. I’ll keep trying to find it @Divergent
Of course I would. I love science and research.
I have been in two of them. I found them helpful.
I have been in some, they were trying to figure out how high-functioning individuals got that way.
Wow @shutterbug . That must have been an interesting project they were doing
Sadly no. But appreciate those who are helping find better treatments for us.
I would consider participating if I knew what to expect and liked what they would have me do. It would have to be convenient too.
It felt very intrusive, tbh.
No way! I’m stable now and can’t stand it when I am having symptoms.
I’m sorry. That sucks!
I kind of wish I would have done the study or whatever for pregnant women on AP’s just cause there isn’t many done on pregnant women taking Abilify…
Maybe next time I’ll do it if I’m ever pregnant again. Not sure what all it entails tho….
I am a veteran of research studies in schizophrenia many of which you take now I have been retired now for the last 10 years after serving 30 years of my life I feel used and abused by the pharmaceutical companies and the underwriters of the grants for the study although I promote studies it helps to conquer schizophrenia it is an evil necessity of life keep in mind you will not make as much money as you think and your health may be jeopardized I honor you if you do so but don’t be surprised if other companies do not thank you for your time
Man. That’s awful. I’m glad you stopped doing it since it was so horrible. Thanks for what you endured for the sake of others