Would you feel disappointed to discover that you've been living in a simulation?

And why is that?

Personally I think the “The Matrix” type of simulation is completely banal but it represented to many a first introduction to this style of thinking. My own inspiration is religion and philosophy, I mean, simulation theories in some shape or form has been around for a long time. Why the resurgence now? Partly popular culture, partly has to do with the zeitgeist -and here my take is drawn iin part from Giddens’ “reflexive modernity”. We live in an age of radical, however untutored, scepticism, as we see with the rise of cognitive populism (think Flat Eart Movement and a myriad of virtually nihilistic conspiracy theories). A return of a gnosticism of sorts.

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Fate is sick and twisted, and I do not have a faith

Accepting my own simulation theory (a universe-simulation co-created by the devil and yours truly) would mean I’m delusional. I don’t feel that sick.

I take issue with every theory or theocratic method of trying to push a widely accepted delusion onto the worlds population.

There is nothing to gain from dogma and speculation of the unknown.

It’s fine to have your beliefs, but be aware that you will be shunned if it doesn’t fit the mass delusion of ideas that have numbers behind them

Increasingly how one feels about things is becoming the measure of how things are, think of how basic scientific claims are said to be oppressive or illegitimate because they hurt feelings. The replacement of an intersubjective for a subjectivist epistemology. This is going to be disastrous for delusional people if it gains enough momentum. Or on the positive side, we are liberated and finally free to be our authentic selves.

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Indeed! It has been noticeable over the last years how liberal and representative notions of popular sovereignty have been redefined by populist agendas.

I think this is a deep question…But yes a matrix world is real for me because its so violent and I guess the challanges of life was to great for humans to win 100%

I wonder what would be the purpose of creating schizophrenia, and thereby creating artificial, unnecessary suffering for people.

that’s a good one considering how many szs believe in some form of simulation.

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