Im noticing little signs. But nothing crazy. Im starting to talk to myself again and im also quite depressed at the moment. Im also getting hornier and more agitated in the sense that im all over the place in emotions.
Can you describe this. One thing if your muttering but quite another if you hear a voice or voices. Maybe talk to a parent or loved one? When do you see your PDoc next
Im getting voices in my head that are spiritual i dont know if they are real or not i feel like i can almost hear my dads voice but i dont think im psychotic. Im not talking to these voices when i talk to myself
Im also starting to notice intrusive thoughts popping up in my head. Sick thoughts evil thoughts. I havent had them in a while which is also what is making me worried.
Hearing voices and having intrusive thoughts are both very troubling symptoms. I think you should definitely seek out medical attention. Can you talk to your parents?
Im not sure at the moment.
Thing is they revolve around the death of my father.
Hmm are you medicated at the moment?
I am. Im on olanzapine 5mg
I’m sorry for your loss. But I think talking with people about your experiences will help you understand and master them. Can you talk to your mom?
I am but i dont want to worry her even more. She has alot on her plate
I understand
Do you have a therapist?
If not would you be willing to seek one out?
I dont. I only have a psyche doctor as im on the adult mental health team now
Im just worried that my medication is wearing off or im becoming immune to it
Are you in the states? I might be able to give more advice if you are
I would call your insurance company (the number is on your card) and ask them for a therapist referral.
No im not im in europe
That question is for your PDoc. I doubt it’s wearing off but you may be flaring, you may be having an adverse reaction, it could be even more complicated then that. A PDoc is better suited to answer.
I’m sorry I can’t help more
Okay thank you so much for your advice
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