Working long hours

worried about working longer hours noon to 5p, fear having a panic attack might take my busbar before i go, going to be further trained

thinking bout quitting my job, too much stress? Suffer from anxiety attacks

go easy on yourself…you have a job and a mental illness…that is amazing.
remember to get as much rest as possible and eat properly.
i hope you are doing better .
take care :alien:

I also work but I have had to take some time out not least because I was hospitalised again. I am going to need a good few weeks of rest before I can start working again. I’d suggest finding work somewhere that you feel more comfortable and less stressed in.

Can you try to break this down and see if the anxiety is part of an unknown adjustment or more? In many ways longer hours could potentially help you. A solid block of time where you’re just doing your job. I would try to manage the extra anxiety how you can and see if the extra hours are too much before you decide if you should continue or not. Sometimes you can psych yourself out when the work can put you in a good groove and provide distraction. I’m not saying either way what your case is, just that there are many angles to entertain before making your decision.