Does this happen to anyone else I woke up and I had no idea of what sleep meant only after going to use the bathroom which is next door to my room did I realize
You forgot sleep?
I’m not sure I understand.
I have been up all night i would like to go to sleep can you tell?
Yeah I forgot completely the concept of sleeping like I didn’t know what happens during sleep like that your body gets restored completely forgot what sleep is for and what it is
I slept well
I have no psychosis
I just forgot what sleep was for like forgot what it meant what’s it for and what it means
It’s so nice it’s a escape from reality for me seeing since I’m more stressed out than those little birds that die from stress
Yeah man! I been having things like that happen to me. Like the whole concept of sleep was lost and I forgot who I am. Weird
That sounds convincing
I wake up confused a lot dont know if its the med or getting older or working too many hours but sometimes i wake up and i dont know where i am
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