I read one of your posts that your doctor just told you he thinks you have schizophrenia, but you don’t think so. How are you coping with his diagnosis?
I just read one of your posts that your doctor just told you he thinks you have schizophrenia, but you don’t think so. How are you coping with his diagnosis?
I’m not coping at all @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter. I don’t believe I have it but others tell me so. I come on here and I can relate to you guys but it just seems set up or something like that
What are some ways you can relate?
Well there’s the voices for a start. Then there is visual things that happen like shadow people. Also my thoughts race and are incomplete. I have this thought/voice in my head that tells me if I don’t do a certain thing by a certain time something bad will happen. Sometimes they just laugh at me cause they know I’m afraid of the police
I’m so sorry you are experiencing this.
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