Have been told by psychologist

I have trauma and really low self esteem.
Thats why i can’t handle people and avoid people but here i can talk to you guys a bit and its a good way for me to socialise online.
Im sorry @jukebox about last night my sz is worse at the moment and my mind racing last night

Take care everyone :slightly_smiling_face:


glad we can all talk and be at peace! i think a lot of schizophrenics have the same problems :slight_smile:

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Thankyou and yes i do have a lot in common with some of you here

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@anon29983254 oh it’s fine…I was just a bit worried.

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Yeah i was on one last night mind racing. I feel absolutely wrecked today this evening but feeling better. How r u? Your a good man btw looking out for me, thanks

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my brother and I got in a tiff and I feel mad right now…ha

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Glad you’re feeling better

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Sorry to hear that. Deep breaths and some grounding exercises and distraction is best

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