Frankly I love google. My google account ties my internet experience together. I know microsoft has similar features now and even wrangles my gamertag into it, but that might be going to far for me.
So for now it’s google chrome. I think that Edge my have the technical advantage though, and a better interface. fits more seamlessly within windows 10.
I haven’t even tried their new browser yet because Internet Explorer was horrid.
IE was so bad it made me suicidal.
I’m going to try Edge when I am done processing my traumatic memories of IE.
I will say I used it a bit when I first set up 10. It was snappy. They have the omnibar.
They’ve got a lot of new features. Like highlighting/drawing. Enhanced reading panes and stuff but I don’t know what’s fluff and what’s practical.
Chrome just brings the pages as they are supposed to be delivered. So I don’t know… The "edgy"ness of it might win me over. Snappy clean lines and I can ignore the rest of the BS.
I upgraded seamlessly aside from a few failed boots. Fans would spin but nothing else. That stopped after the third time. It boots and shuts down like it should. That was from windows 7.
There is a lot of hardware out there… but for me both hardware and software(all of it) work fine. Computer boots faster too. I think it’s even slimmer than windows 7.
It has none of windows 8’s issues. The awkward block screen has been nestled into the start menu and that can be configured in a lot of ways.
Doesn’t have all the ■■■■■■■■ side screen mouse gesture oddness and ■■■■■■■■… ahhh god windows 8 suuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeedd
Actually Safari on Mac platforms outperforms Chrome in many cases. I’ve tried other browsers, and use Chrome on PC but on apple platforms Safari is fine and safe. Have never had any issues.
I think it must be something to do with my laptop that it said an upgrade to 8 wasn’t a straight forward process. Hence my reluctance to go 2 versions ahead to 10.