my sis and mom do all the Christmas cooking…same with thanksgiving…looking forward to ribs and steak probably…that or another smoked turkey and trimmings…
Last year I cooked for 6, this year I will be cooking for only 2 as my little one is at his dads and then family are shielding from covid. I will drop my mum a Christmas dinner off for her to enjoy.
I’m doing turkey and all the trimmings still though
It seems ham is very popular in the USA. I mean we have it in the UK, but it is not a main from my experience. I think ham is for boxing day, is it not in the UK?
I reckon as they have turkey for thanksgiving, ham is more enviable?
You’re right it’s not really a uk thing. I’ve only had it once, a proper joint of ham. It was honey roasted and it was amazingggggg so I’m very jealous of everyone having ham