Will rexulti make me head strong?

I’m on invega at the moment, I feel like a weak little bitch. I feel this is in part due to the invega. In the past when I’ve tried abilify, I felt more awake and head strong. Do you think rexulti may have the same affect if i change to it?

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Are u on invega injectable…??? Or pills…??

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I felt the same way when I was on Invega. I think it’s because of how it affects the chemicals in your body.

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I was on Invega a looong time ago and don’t remember how it affected me. I will say I’m much more emotionally natural on Rexulti vs other meds. Also I’m able to lose weight on it.
I felt much better until I had issues I don’t think were associated with it.

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pills 6 milligrams