Ive been working on my ocd with the help of my therapist and a really good work book. Ive been making progress with erp and acceptance.
Today i dealt with a super trigger for all of my mental illnesses. I saw something on my internet feed that was related to the thought content im trying to deal with with erp. It wasn’t just that but the feed changed after me being logged out for no reason at the same time as i was having intrusive thoughts about the exact thing that the feed changed to after logging me out. Basically my abusers heard my thoughts and logged me out of my account and changed my feed to something that was similar to the thoughts that they heard.
This was really difficult because it triggered all of my stuff at once and i didnt know how to deal with it. Anyways i started ruminating about people abusing me and how they are trying to create the very thing that im trying to get rid of.
I guess im just concerned that if the other facets of my mental health can strongly effect my erp and confidence then what type of response protocol would i have to do in order to keep my ocd remission going?
Has anybody dealt with Ocd,thought broadcasting and delusions of persecrion at the same time. All three of these are ties up in a big knot for me and im thinking i need more than just erp …