I hate ocd

It feels like I can’t trust my mind. Every scary thought I have I believe is real unless I don’t perform a task of compulsions. Its a never ending loop and I hate it. I can’t deal with this ■■■■.

I used to be scared that I was going to die horrible ways unless I did the same thing at the same time everyday. It is exhausting. Thankfully my off only lasted a short while. I self resolved it. Are you getting treatment for yours?

Erp therapy just started

Are you Dx’d with anything else

Schizophrenia with depressive features. I’ll be going to the Clozapine clinic tomorrow to get started on that.

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Good luck. I’ve discussed the idea of possible SZ with my doctors and psych but they really doubt I have it. They do think I have bipolar issues possibly and the ocd is for sure there.

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It must be bad. I saw one guy do a light hearted performance poem on his ocd. Maybe it would help if you did something like that.

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I might start logging it. The worst part is that the compulsions are constant. Its like a voice that I control that is constantly looping in my mouth over and over to avoid the intrusive thouvhts.

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