Why is it that

That pickled cucumbers are called pickles, but everything else that’s pickled is called a pickled whatever, like if you pickled an egg it’s called a pickled egg, we may never know :cucumber:


It’s just one of the many mysteries of the universe. :wink:


The world’s a strange place :joy:


A pickle is a ghurken?

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Well, seems in our attempt to define it, we find ourselves in a pickle. :wink:

Side note. I friggin love pickled eggs.


A pickled egg? Da fug is that man?

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It’s an egg that’s been pickled, I’ve never had them but I’ve heard they’re good.

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Chicken, quail, alligator. Hard boil an egg, remove the shell, then leave it to pickle a few months. Delicious

Sounds fuggen horrid !


Better than balluet, or however it’s spelled.

That’s when you eat the duck embryo in a preserved egg after it’s left to grow a bit. Bits of feather and bones, beak and nails. Eat it all.


Now I need to try it, my reaction is that I wouldn’t like the embryo style but I wont knock it til i try, heck I like microwaved ice cream lol


Wild shiit sir !

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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The cucumber has a grand tradition in ancient times.

It is said that Alexander the Great wasn’t so great without his early morning pickled cucumber.

Rome fell over a mistake when the Huns besieged the Romans city and cut off their supply of cucumbers forcing the romans to eat bad, month old pickles.

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