Why is Elyn Saks a role model?

Ely saks takes medications and also has done therapy foe many years.


Elyn Saks has said she has therapy twice a week but also has been on medication too this whole time, and had to realize she needed them for her illness.


I got it wrong x sorry

i should read her book

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There is an audiobook version too if that helps any. It’s a good read.

Um yeah she’s on a crap load of clozapine as well as psychoanalysis twice a week.

She was written off as less than human and now she’s the boss of schizophrenia. That’s why she is a role model–she was told she had no chance and was faced with odds not to amount to much and ended up getting a genius grant and becoming a professor at USC, and she is a professor of three subjects.

When I feel like ■■■■ I remember some parts of her life from her book. Like when she was isolating herself in her apartment for two weeks and was gaunt and ■■■■■■ up by most means. That’s harder than “I keep throwing up my meds and feel tired but my vital signs read 166/88 99 bpm” tough titty

See my point?


The point is that she has schizophrenia but she functions at a very high level. Whether she takes meds or not she has found a high level of success.


Just wondering does clozapine help with bad fatigue?

In about the same way gasoline puts out a fire.



Well it supposedly helps with negative symptoms to a degree but it’s sedating as ■■■■ and taken at bed

She may be a success.

But I did not like the her book, I read it when it first came out. So my memory may have dimmed. But she came off like a show off know it all. It did not inspire and only depressed me. But that’s just me.

I loved Beautiful mind by Nash.

Thanks for this more up to date link.

" and say, ‘Oh, Elyn, that’s just your illness acting up, pay it no mind.’""

She talks of a dimmer instead of a light switch. But that’s exactly like it was for me. I just can’t believe someone can stand back and say they are psychotic. I’m usually so out of it I have no clue.

But I’ve been doing better this year and staying away from here and any thoughts of illness. Peace and wellness to all.