I think it’s so we won’t be mistaken for livestock.
Besides, they make us exciting to look at like a work of art And they shield us from the sun and weather.
This is the main reason for needing clothes. But religions also mandate clothing for modesty
I think modesty would be difficult to teach to a child.
It was very easy to teach to my kids actually. Now that they’re grown up they’re a little looser with their modesty, but they’re older and that’s ok
When I lived at the nudist camp. You wore clothes when frying the bacon or when the mosquitos came out.
I’m just guessing here. One reason could be for protection from the elements as we moved out of Africa earlier on in our evolution, then it could have become further adopted for religious reasons and modesty.
I agree with other people, about having clothes for the elements.
But I also think people dress differently than others, out of self expression. “Style” is something a lot of people, such as myself, really like. I like dressing a certain way: certain styles of clothes, certain piercing jewelry, certain makeup appearance, certain kinds of jewelry, etc…
And then, of course, there are religious standards for clothing. So, people tend to dress a certain way depending on their religious beliefs.
I, personally, would not want to be naked, out in public. I like to personalize my appearance, and I feel like if I was naked, all of the time, I wouldn’t get to look different every day, with a different outfit. Also, I like privacy. I don’t want people staring at my private parts… That would freak me out.
I think it all started with some cavemen being cold and deciding to wear animal pelts for warmth.
In college my friend was in an art class where they paint real nude girls lol
The man wants to keep us llamas down. It’s all about control, the costumes, the fences, the food. The man treats us like pets.
It’s pretty standard for animals to have fur or full body hair coverage to keep them warm. We somehow evolved into naked apes, so clothing ourselves with other animals’ furs and pelts is an obvious move to stay warm.
I like clothes. It makes you look better.
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