Do you think we wear clothing due to shame?

I think it’s due to wild animals, wild plants and wild weather.


And wild nights on the sz forum!

I’m ferocious…

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…and not to be trifled with, for sure.

and I forgot, wild terrain.

What about Wil E. Coyote?

Don’t know who he was. Also, wars and violent sports require clothing.

He was that hellion who ran all over creation trying to capture (and presumably eat) the Roadrunner in the cartoons. Wil E. Coyote was too fast (and cool) for clothes. Zoom zoom!

I’ll tell you this: d00ds who don’t wear clothing during a Canadian winter wind up with a second bellybutton where their junk used to be.



And with that, soda erupts from my nose.


Usually erupts from the other end, so, congrats on your recovery to date.



For warmth and because genitals are ugly.

Didn’t start that way, but became that in some societies.


I see your point but the Greeks wrestled naked and shaved during their olympics. So at least we didn’t always use clothing. It was for some weather related reason I believe that started us on clothes. During the ice age to keep warm, since we don’t have fur. We have clothes for many reasons. Which is interesting to think about.

Speak for yourself. Mine are a sight to behold.



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genitals are not ugly or does circumcision try to make them ugly? Talk about picking on the little guy. Sheesh.

Hey I’ve been circumcised and just about every porn I’ve seen has shaven circumcised men too.

They were on sale and I couldn’t resist. That’s my reason for wearing clothes.

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wow just wow, i can always find a good laugh around here.

And @shutterbug We have that problem in Maine too, i made the mistake of doing a naked polar bear swim and ended up a woman for about two hours…

I wear cloths because the last 5 times I walked down my street naked my neighbors booed me and threw candy corn at me.

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