Why do pop/rock/rap stars only last for a few years?

My theory is that 12-16 years olds don’t want to listen to the same people that their older brothers and sisters listened to.

So no matter how good you are, you’re yesterday’s news to the new generation.

Why do you think these stars don’t last very long?

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Not sure but some last more than others. I think some only do it enough to make good money then they kinda retire and live off that money for the rest of their lives. Easy money, easy life lol


I don’t know, I’ve been waiting for Miley Cyrus and her mullet to disappear for what feels like forever.

I don’t follow rap. Rock is all I really know, and they usually have a band that breaks up I guess. Pop stars are just one person so that’s probably why they stick around longer I guess?

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Pop culture has a very short attention span. It’s like fashion, in one day and gone the next

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2pac is the black Elvis

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Because they don’t have the talent. They have more talent than the average person but just compare Debbie Gibson to the Beatles. Real talent shines through but there’s other factors like timing, physical appearance, personality or just being appealing to lots of people. Being at the right place at the right time can make or break a career.


Obviously they have the talent. It’s that they make so much money. They can practically retire at 25 years old lol. And live off their royalties.

Eminem is still making music. Even tho he’s kindve retired a few times already. He still has the inspiration.

Hip hop is one of the best genres for longevity. Due to collaborations.

Rock I’ve seen some guys have real long careers. Santana???

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