I’ve been measuring my room periodically for the past two days I know it’s not long but my feelings are that someone is just monitoring my life like an experiment and changing things around to see if I notice and acknowledge the changes but its weird I do not know how to describe it or how to bring it up with anyone because it kinda feels like they are in on it too.
I know its probably not a question anyone can answer
Feeling like your life is an experiment and people are hiding secrets from you may appear so very real. I have had that several times. If it worsens you may start refusing to consider help, and then you could be put into the hospital. When my doctor found out this was happening to me he wanted to increase my Zyprexa from 10 to 20 mgs. I rebelled, and ended up with a hospital stay (which worked).
I think it is very good that you expressed your situation here on this website and I hope a little support from us veterans (of schizophrenia) will help.
Okay thank you but if i may ask a question that might seen as controversial, but if you’ve had it isnt the thoughts being passed around just a plague of some sort as if someones trying to implant memories into us ?
I think we should be a little more gentle on the guy who is having delusions and who is brave enough to share them with us. Your message may be on target, but realize that a delusional person fully believes what he is telling us. A frontal attack probably won’t work. You must be his ally and work with him, not scare him away. I know this from experience.
I can relate to this. There are certain beliefs I still have based on a variety of factors, but have been convinced for some time that they’re an actual concern. Even though every doctor and person close to me has adamantly denied it. I tell myself maybe I’m asking the wrong way or they think I’m crazy to be asking something that should be abundantly clear to me.
Then there are other, more recent and scarier beliefs that popped up during my latest psychotic episode that are still somewhat there but I’m more of a mind to ignore and take a leap of faith that they may not be true. Even then they can get in the way, especially when I’m being stressed out.
So I don’t have any answers. I don’t believe anyone is watching or monitoring you or whatever, people in general aren’t worth the time and trouble of spying on.
I have the same delusion as you. I recognize it’s a delusion, but I still believe it. It’s hard to explain…
I don’t measure things exactly, but I always notice when things are moved around and changed.
It helps to just not feed into it. I tell myself I don’t care, because I have nothing to hide. Some days are easier than others, though.
Sometimes I just have to laugh out loud, because whoever is doing this is very obvious, and not very smart, like when lights I never touched are left on.
Anything you feed will grow, so it’s best not to feed delusions.
So be unpredictable, 1515151. They are not the only existences who are smart, you are smart too,
My advice is: live your ordinary life and try to neglect these feelings cause if you pay attention to them then you will be under their control,