Why can't we do whatever we want in this forum, no matter the consequences, forever?

Maybe I did pushed too far.

Naw. I’m just bored. You’re fine. :slight_smile:

Ok. I haven’t watched south park in a while. The movie back in the 90s was cool.

I liked it. It’s definitely an acquired taste.

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@SunLion, this is an international forum. I’m not American.

But that makes it even funnier, see? Us Americans are so full of ourselves - stereotypically anyway. There’s layers to this! :slight_smile:


Don’t ban me! This is satire! :cold_sweat:

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That honestly hasn’t been my experience. Americans are excellent neighbours and friends.


We do oftentimes forget we’re not the only country in the world though :laughing:


And I like my Canadian neighbors also. Except when they try to pay for things with Canadian money and expect a 1:1 exchange rate.

True, there is a world outside the USA :slight_smile:


Lmao offensive but true :joy::joy::joy:

It was just meant to be humorous maybe a mod can delete it if it’s offensive. btw I’m not American myself so I wasn’t trying to be insulting.

that’s too funny