Why are people condescending? Sorry if I trigger anyone

And demeaning?

What is their motive?

I’m not talking about anyone on this forum, so it’s not a dig at anyone at all. I find when I let people into my life, they get really condescending about 100% of the time.

They also stare at me like I’m on drugs less frequently but it happens.

I also have to win their friendship, which is too much of a task.

Friendship shouldn’t be that way…
I feel like others always have a judgement about me. I’m ME, I can’t change my personality!! I’m immature, and it’s an immaturity that can’t be fixed by behavior, it’s a very limited understanding on everything.


We all have made an ass out of ourselves at least one time in our lives. It’s best just to let things like condescension roll off your back, unless there are real consequences from it, like the person is addressing a crowd or something. But if a person is just addressing you, the best thing to do is to say to yourself, “What does this person know?”, and condescend to not answer them. Be condescending back. It’s best just to humor such people.


I come off condescending a lot of the time even though I don’t mean to be. Maybe it’s not intentional?

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I just feel like I’m the brick, and they’re talking to the brick, so they are going to be frustrated and angry… Everyone talks so complex. Idk where my social skills went, as I get older and start to meet new people it like I’m at a different status. I think I have to fit into this body and age

If your the brick you must be built like a house yo :muscle::facepunch::house:

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Yeah I don’t knock down, and only close family and friends are welcome :slight_smile:

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Keep looking. You can find like minded people. They are out there.

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I will get off my particular high horse to talk to you. :smiley: I’m just kidding. Some people are snooty. Just ignore them and be around people who are your friends and accept you for who you are!!! Don’t let them get you down!!

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The only trouble ive had is with the Police in the past - giving me the “stare” assuming im under the influence of illicit drugs - when in reality im drugged up on prescribed Tranquilisers and on the odd occasion Valium. I dont trust the Police anyway - i believe most of them are bent power-hungry tossers.

And the thing that does piss me off is as soon as they hear you have an MI - they assume your thick and lacking intelligence.


I think it might be my mental state and not the people

Honestly, I always think people are implying that I’m a bad person, a criminal, a danger, or an idiot, the problem being that no one’s going to admit to doing such a thing, so I’m not sure if it’s paranoia or reality.

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I am sometimes condescending too. I feel wise and give advices like an old master. Truth is I rarely know left from right.


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