It seems very different, and funny in some way, that genealogy is that important for USA´s culture, because thats something you ask your parents when you are a child, but you stop caring and thinking about it later on.
That and race identity which is completely irrelevant in my view. Beeing “30% puertorican” is not indicative of anything relevant imo. So what?..
I´m very sorry to hear that. Is just that I don´t really understand that facet of USA´s culture. I think it´s deep in their identity as people. Everything starting from the news, articles, universities etc. make it to be more important that it is…
It’s because the USA is a beautiful melting pot of various backgrounds so people like to find out more about their descendants or ancestors. I don’t think it’s weird at all. Except for the indigenous people, everyone was an immigrant not too long ago.
Idk @devra . It seems like you are the one always calling people names to me. Everyone is a bigot or stalker or a sex offender or something. It’s really no wonder you have problems with people IMO when everyone you meet is some undesirable in your eyes.
I don’t know anything about my ancestry, personally i would like to know more than just my parents and where i am born. It would be important to me to identify myself for my growth.
We come from all over the world, and are interested in the history of how our families got here and why they came. I don’t think its all that surprising.
I have tested with all the major companies, and downloaded the raw data to other sites . The ethnicity results get increasingly worse the more a company says, for example, your ancestry is from Europe-UK-NW England- Manchester-etc -etc . The best guide is your cousin matches.
My main priority ,along with my father has been trying to trace our ancestry back to those with our surname from Cornwall. That being where our surname was first found the UK. There’s been glacial progress. Not helped by having a same surname Y DNA match since 2011 who’s never upgraded to a higher level . Even with my offering to pay for the upgrade.
It can be a frustrating hobby , with more and more people making their trees private. I find it very difficult to approach people where yes we share quite a lot of DNA, but I have no idea where we connect with each other.
I dont know about americans, but traditional arab culture is very genealogy orientated. I can trace my roots to the 600s, due to my grandfathers home. They preserved the names of their people on graves
I’m American but have German, Scottish, Lithuanian, and Jewish ancestry. It’s not that important to me but it’s interesting knowing where you come from. Also it explains where I get my hair from.
I think people just like to know where they come from. I feel it’s good to know in case your children ever ask you (If you have children or plan on having them).
as a child we didn’t know much of anything. it’s really something you have to research. My father had an uncle i think who researched his geneology. Why would you lose interest in it when you got older?