Hi guys, so I just wanted your guys opinion on why I have been voice free for so long. It’s been 29 weeks since i heard a voice and two months since I heard faint voices. I increased my meds and haven’t heard a loud voice since but I also think the people doing it to me are giving me a break
What other reasons can you guys think of why I might be voice free?
Thank you all. I find it so hard to move on. I just thought this.My delusions also crumbled towards the end of hearing voices and this might also be the cause.
Let’s see they were;
I used to think all TVs could actually be turned into a big camera and the screen was the camera lens, I figured out the voices were lying.
I used to think I had to join the IRA and I arranged to meet one of my voices and join, but he never showed.
This could be why I’m not hearing voices anymore but I’m just not sure.