Why a college degree is valuable

My dad told me something many years ago. He told me, you may get a degree and never go into the field you studied for or you may get a degree and never get a professional job. He told me, but if you go job hunting for any type of job, whether it’s minimum wage or entry level or some kind of middle class job, a prospective employer is going to see on your application that you completed four years worth of school and that’s going to tell him some things about you, and the things it’s going to tell him about you are what most employers are looking for in an employee.

Getting a two year or four year degree shows you have commitment, it shows you have at least some intelligence, it shows you have ambition, dedication, perseverance, discipline, motivation, tenacity and a host of other positive traits. And that’s the kind of traits an employer is looking for. So any degree, in almost any field, is valuable in this way.


For me I picked subjects I’d enjoy to study, and realised later just how many transferable skills I had learned.

My only goal was to prove to myself as an adult, I was capable of getting educated

When I was a teenager, it just was not the right time for me to learn


Here most employers (including the Government) ask for degrees in job openings. But if you don’t have a degree and are unemployed it’s often possible to get funding for some sought-after degrees like nursing, ICT,…


That is dated asvice imo

Things don’t work like that anymore. Everyone has a college degree these days. At least near me. Now it’s hard to get someone to show up to do work on my house.

And major work like getting a deck put in…. You wouldnt believe the talent, tools, & people that it takes to build a deck.


That’s true. It’s kind of impressive. My degree says I graduated from the college of human medicine at Michigan State University, but I left it in a car in another state. I could get another one for $50, but haven’t been able to afford it, but my graduation is on my transcripts.

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I have a degree in philosophy. I work at a craft store, lol


I only like stem, but it’s too hard for me now. I don’t like the indoctrination, brainwashing, and politics (liberalness) now a days. Makes the degree less respectable and worth less. I don’t think I could ever go back. Probably not. Not even a different major or different school. I’m too old now and it’s too stressful and expensive.


I agree with your dad a 100%. Earning a degree offers benefits that extend beyond increased income potential. A college degree offers enhanced social status and a fair amount of autonomy. It also provides a solid background for pursuing advanced degrees and careers.


Being taught to think critically is not liberal. It just so happens that people become more liberal the more they learn and exercise their brain. That’s why the majority of educated people are liberal.


I’ve heard people say that science is funded mostly by liberal interests, therefore it is fake. What a f****** joke. Liberal thinkers (not a political view… perhaps enlightened is a better word) are ones that are interested in the truth, not political rhetoric. It gets used by both sides as tools of rhetoric, I’m talking about pure science at the core of things


Critical race theory, what conservatives hate, is actually based on a criticism of liberalism. But I think @anon28145038 is voicing a pretty common complaint about the arts in universty/college.


I hope my College course leads me somewhere,

at the very least I could operate sound equipment in my Church, I was on the laptop tonight in my Church next to the 32Ch mixing desk :slight_smile: just thinking i’d love to hook up loads of mics or get a band to come play.

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