Who's up and about?

@far_cry0 and @anon93437440 - you guys are usually around at this time? How is it going brothers? J


Hi j my condition has improved so far …!!! I am having problem WIth anxiety and fear …!!! I soon meet my pdoc …!!! My pdoc says i don;t have SZ …!!! THat’s my problem >>>!!! How are U J …!!! U look in good shape …!!! Life is treating good with U …!!!


Am pretty rested today - had a good sleep.

Sorry to hear you still are suffering buddy. This stuff ain’t easy. Yeah sometimes doctors are kinda biased towards positive symptoms when it comes to diagnosis - kinda don’t think about the negatives much.

Suppose all that matters is that you end up feeling better yourself regardless of diagnosis.

How did you sleep last night? J

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J i take sleeping tab before sleep …!!! U are such a kind person …!! I gotta say i love U man…!!

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my sleep schedule’s freaked up.

at least I can do readings early.


What time is it where you are?


I’ve been awake for a good couple of hours, it’s coming up to 11:42am here though, so my morning is almost over. I hope you’re all doing okay.

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Doing well thanks @Hybrid. You in Europe too?


That’s good to hear! Yes I am, Wales to be exact.


Cool. I’m from Scotland.


It’s nice to see a fellow celt here!


@drwho s from Scotland too. @BJJShutIn is from Ireland I think.

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Slept another night away here, so up at 4:30 am this morning, think I will leave for work early this morning


That’s cool, most of the time I find that a lot of people on these forums tend to be from the US only, though I have noticed that there is quite a diverse range of people which I really like.

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That is early! What time did you go to bed?

I slept after work for 2.5 hours, then up for about 3, went back to bed at 10 pm.

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When @Minnii was here she was in the same time zone as us. @far_cry0 is ahead of us so is usually on in our mornings.

Like you I like the diversity of folk who come here.


helllloooo from Liverpool how are you guys ?

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is this the "early bird table " lol :slight_smile:

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Its exactly 6"39pm on the clock …!!! What time iz now at ur place J…!!!