It’s 1:11 AM in my part of Canada. Who’s up right now? And what time is it at your place?
I’m up because it’s 7:15 here in Spain. I have taken my meds, I have showered and now I’m drinking a cup of coffee.
@Katherine85 - nice! I hope you enjoy your coffee and have a good day.
i slept through the evening so many hours that now i am up for the night hours. all n ight.
going to try to get my body to move – i.e. physical exercises, nice and easy for a few hours.
hope you guys are enjoying also.
@ifeelblessed - Nice to hear from you Judy
12:49 I’m still up
I’m up and it sucks
Im up and its 1051 pm. The night is young
I’m on the afternoon wind down so keeping an eye out on the boards whilst doing some surfing. How are ya’ll?
I can’t sleep for ■■■■
I just got out of bed on a Sunday earlier than I have to for work during the week
@rogueone - thanks for being a good mod
All good mate…it’s a team here and we all help how we can…there’s some great people who donate their time here…Not the most thankful job to some.
I’m up and it doesn’t look like I’m getting sleep anytime soon
I’m waiting on some cricket scores from our club on facebook. We looked like winning one and losing one…to be determined.
@cameron - same for me
I’m up due to stopping meds. Kind of dumb but there wasn’t any other way to verify whether this alternative treatment I’m on is working.
It’s 7.42!
And I am going to go back to sleep cos I need more sleep!
Yes I’m very tired.
@naturallycured - what meds did you stop ?
Do you have the doctors approval?