Who's gonna say: The King is naked

An emperor’s new clothes

Once upon a time there was an emperor whose only interest in life was to dress up in fashionable clothes. He kept changing his clothes so that people could admire him.

Once, two thieves decided to teach him a lesson.

They told the emperor that they were very fine tailors and could sew a lovely new suit for him. It would be so light and fine that it would seem invisible. Only those who were stupid could not see it. The emperor was very excited and ordered the new tailors to begin their work.

One day, the king asked the prime minister to go and see how much work the two tailors had done. He saw the two men moving scissors in the air but he could see no cloth! He kept quiet for fear of being called stupid and ignorant. Instead, he praised the fabric and said it was marvellous.

Finally, the emperor’s new dress was ready. He could see nothing but he too did not want to appear stupid. He admired the dress and thanked the tailors. He was asked to parade down the street for all to see the new clothes. The emperor paraded down the main street. The people could only see a naked emperor but no one admitted it for fear of being thought stupid.

They foolishly praised the invisible fabric and the colours. The emperor was very happy.

At last, a child yelled out, “The emperor is naked!” His father quickly tried to bring him out of the crowd but the rumor was there.

Soon everyone began to murmur the same thing and very soon all shouted, “The emperor is not wearing anything!”

The emperor realised that he was naked but he kept maintaining the illusion accusing everyone who refused to believe so as stupid and rebellious

“Hell hath no fury…” (Sigh.) (And no one got scorned either. They just didn’t get what they wanted. So now they’re going to burn the whole house down?)

I just take a pill when I can’t sleep.


That is one hella wrong interpretation.

So correct me. Where appropriate. (Hey! Everything’s just an hypothesis until I know for sure.)

It’s reverse keeping up appearances, cuz the clothes were supposed to be for looking good, and then he had none, but it was still the illusion of keeping up the appearance.

Yes, very good.

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How so? You should know this one, it is your job to know it.

Its totally allegorical.
I remember our proffesor asked us: why was the child the only one to speak?

Because the child wasn’t aware that he was supposed to keep the lie a secret. Because he wasn’t in on the game. Because he wasn’t normalized to the conventions. (Taking his clothes with him now before someone lights them on fire.)

There you go.
( some childish nipping can’t hurt, right?)

:relaxed: :relaxed: :wink:

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“Who will help me pick the wheat”?, said the little red hen.
“Not I”, said the lazy dog.
“Not I”, said the noisy duck.
So the little red hen picked all the wheat by herself.
Then the little red hen said, " Who will help me grind the wheat and bake the bread"?
“Not I”, said the lazy dog.
“Not I’, said the noisy duck.
So the little red hen ground the wheat by herself and baked the bread herself.
Then she said, " Who will help me eat the bread”?
“I will” yipped the dog, wagging his tail.
“I will”, quacked the duck with a toss of her tail feathers.
“Screw you and your uncles cousins and the horse you rode in on” said the little red hen politely. And enjoyed the bread all by herself.

I forget the real moral to the story but it was words to that effect.

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Don’t even get me started on Chicken Little and Pinnochio.


clothes were invented for human kind for good reason…
to make you all look more attractive !?! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
take care :alien:

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