I mean, my dad walked around in his underwear with his junk hanging out, and he used to fondle himself in front of me, and I was REALLY uncomfortable with it. But it’s not like I was raped or anything like that.
I think that is highly inappropriate, possibly even criminal. I mean, if you weren’t related, you were the neighbor’s child, it would be at least indecent exposure in the UK. So, pretty obnoxious, disturbing, yeah.
I was always mad at him for that, but after reading what you said I felt defensive of him, and love for him. It was healing I think!!
So you don’t think he was doing it to upset or disturb you, just because he was not self-conscious in front of you?
I really don’t know what he was thinking. At all.
Well, if you can assume he was not intending any harm, he was just unaware, I think it will be less worrisome as a memory.
I agree.
(It says must be 15 characters.)
Jock itch? 24 characters.
Yeah maybe there was good reason for him to “fondle” himself, huh. Never thought of that. Thanks.
Through repressed memory therapy a couple of things on it came up. Never did finish it (long story) Memories are just random flashes so nothing concrete. My memories of my thoughts of the aftermath of the first attack are very detailed though. A child brought into an adult world of sex and something I don’t think I could make up in my wildest dreams. So just adds to the confusion. So the truth much like you not entirely sure.
My dad walked around our apartment in his underwear. I got used to it and it didn’t bother me.
Well I was a little girl. And his ■■■■■ was kind of hanging out!
yes to the first question.
and your dad’s behaviour, was on some level, abuse.
i have no time for people who in any way harm children.
in my opinion all paedophiles should be chemically castrated, and put on an island and forgotten about .
to rot .
take care
I’m so sorry to hear that.
I’m sorry you had to experience it. May God bless you and heal you.
@darksith I’m sorry for your experience as well. Even if you don’t believe, God bless and heal you too.
@darksith I hope you can come to peace with it all soon.
Thank you, @metime.
yes i have been. if i hadn’t been then i wouldn’t hear voices. it’s that simple. x
I think for it to be considered abuse the person has to do it with intention. Your dad may have not even realized the effect it would have on you. It was definitely inappropriate though.
I was sexually abused when I was 9 for about a year. I had messed up relationships with men starting in my teens and happening in my twenties. My therapist told me I had so many messed up relationships because I was trying to relive the abuse. I hate using words like abuse, rape, and trauma so I refer to stuff as messed up or f#@%ed up ■■■■. I’m going to start working on the memories in therapy, but I’m scared. The last time we just talked about general things it opened Pandora’s box. I became flooded by memories, which my therapist refers to as flashbacks. I was triggered by everything, even cartoons. I’m working on my coping skills so I will be more equipped. I never understood why people hurt other people. I’m sorry to everyone who has been hurt.
i don’t understand it either sungirl. it’s evil beyond words. i hope to god there is a hell and that child abusers go there.